Please selcet what type of appointment you would like or need to fit your needs.
MD Lab Solutions is located at:
3123 Fairview Ave E Sute 200
Seattle, WA 98102
Business Hours 8AM - 5PM
We take any lab order you might have from your docters office or online order or any specialty kits.
To secure your appointment please click botton below.
Priced at $35.00
We come to your location. Home, work, or docters office. We do any lab orders, online orders and any specialty kits. To secure your appointmnet please click on the botton below.
Mobile Collections are from:
Mobile Business Hours 5AM - 1PM.
Priced at $80.00
Our mobile service is 24/7. If your docter needs you medication draw that is timed or if your fasting and want to get it done faster and quicker we are available to help. We take any lab orders, online order and any specialty kits. After hour collections are from:
Hour: 12AM -4AM & 2PM-12AM
Priced: $120.00
Upload Lab Order & Insurance Information
(No Lab orders no problem see step 3 below)
Thank you for submitting your documents. If MD Labs Solutions is missing any information we will have a certified professional will reach out.
If you do not have your lab orders and need us to obtain them for your appointment. Please fill out information needed below. If you completed step two you do not need to fill out step three.
You can always have your Lab Order Fax to us at: 206-339-9544.
Thank you for contacting MD Lab Solutions. We will reach out to your provider to obtain your lab orders. Once we do we will infom you that they have been received.